Gerald M. Steinberg, Review of Eric Fleisch: Checkbook Zionism: Philanthropy and Power in the Israel–Diaspora Relationship, in Contemporary Jewry (Association for the Scientific Study of Jewry), November 2024
Gerald M. Steinberg, Israel’s Response to Boycotts and Soft-Power Warfare. In: Kumaraswamy, P.R. (eds) The Palgrave International Handbook of Israel. Palgrave Macmillan, May 2023
Gerald M. Steinberg, Book Review: “The Star and the Scepter: A Diplomatic History of Israel”, by Emmanuel Navon. The Journal of the Middle East and Africa, 13:1, 111-113 (2022)
Gerald M. Steinberg, Book Review: “The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace”, by Adi Schwartz and Einat Wilf, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, July 2020
Gerald M. Steinberg. “The Backstory to the Jewish State Law Debate: 2000- 2018” (July 2018)
Gerald M. Steinberg. “Responding to the NGOs Durban Strategy: Between Engagement and Confrontation.” Fathom Journal. Issue 3 (April 25, 2013)
Gerald M. Steinberg. “Jewish Sovereignty, Survival, and Israeli Deterrence.” University of Messina – Sicily, Italy. Lecture Series on “Reflections About a World in Change: The Western Civilization in the New Century.(November 17, 2003)
Gerald M. Steinberg. “Interpretations of Jewish Traditions on Democracy, Land, and Peace.” Journal of Church and State (Oxford Journals). 43.1 (2001) A shorter version without references was published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Click here for the text.
Gerald M. Steinberg עניי עירך קודמים: השגות על בג”ץ קציר-קעדאן כיווים חדשים APRIL 2001
“The Poor in Your Own City Shall Have Precedence: A Neo-Zionist Critique of the Katzir – Qaadan Decision”, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, January 2001.
“The Poor in Your Own City Shall Have Precedence:” A Critique of the Katzir-Qaadan Case and Opinion.” Israel Studies Bulletin. (November 2000)
Gerald M. Steinberg. “Shalom Bayit: Narrowing the Religious-Secular Gap in Israeli Society.” Remarks prepared for delivery in Melbourne in memory of Hans Bachrach Z”L. (December 1998)
Gerald M. Steinberg. “Book Review: Separate and Unequal: The Inside Story of Israeli Rule in East Jerusalem.” Originally published in The Jerusalem Post. (July 2, 1999)
Gerald M. Steinberg. “Jerusalem – 1948, 1967, 2000: Setting the Record Straight“Canadian Jewish News, August 24, 2000